When was the last time you received a clap? I can honestly say that just this week I received a round of applause from my daughter, along with the words, ‘Well done Mummy. You did a wee!’ Yes, we have done the intense potty training course this last week. I don’t believe in the whole ‘start them at 12 months malarkey.’ My motto has always been to wait til they are good and ready and then ‘eureka’, they’ve got it in a matter of days. Must admit that this method has worked like a charm for all 4 of my kids. (not forgetting to mention the copious amount of stickers and chocolate buttons dished out) Obviously you have to test the water a couple of times, just in case you have an especially advanced child who possesses the ‘higher level toilet training’ gene which enables them to graduate early from the whole process. Sadly, none of mine had this much sought after gene, so we wait til around the 2 ½ year mark. However, I can very proudly (with a hint of smugness) add that she is also dry at night now too!
So having removed all possibility of returning to nappies, it is with some trepidation that I think ahead to our 5 hour drive to Scotland in the half-term holidays. How many times will I have to stop... adding minutes ne hours to the already fraught journey which is a trademark of any Kemp excursion! From previous experience, I know that there is no ‘making a child go’ on demand. I’m getting a beaded brow just remembering the time my pre-school child asked for a wee in the middle of a game drive, deep in the African bush. By the time the game ranger had done a reconnaissance of the immediate surroundings, deemed it safe to alight from the vehicle and stood guard with his rifle positioned firmly into his shoulder, there was no chance of any type of liquid being squeezed from a terrified 4 year old child! I must admit, I would probably have found it difficult even with my weakened bladder from 4 pregnancies and lack of kegle exercises. So, whilst investigating the safety aspects of putting a small child on a pre-trip 12 hour fast which may negate the need for peeing, I am also stealing myself for an extended trip to the north!
Ha Ha! Reminds me of the time when, after cajoling Naomi not to do it yet for far to long, Pete finally found a suitable parking spot. He whisked her out of the car and plonked her straight onto a pile of dog poo! Ugggh!