Living Life Thankful

Living Life Thankful

Monday, 15 April 2013

Dear Hollywood

Dear Hollywood,

For some time now, I have been meaning to write to you with regard to a recurrent theme in your family films.  So many of your movies feature a Dad, who turns out to be the hero.  There is the 'too busy with his career Dad,' who learns his lesson and becomes a model father. There is the 'super hero Dad,' who rescues his family from disaster. Also beginning to feature is the 'grow to love them like his own Step-Dad,' who is usually insanely good looking! I'd like to point out that in my experience, there isn't a handsome, responsible, financially viable, kind, loving man waiting in the wings begging for the role of Step Dad.  Finally, there is the 'errant, divorced Father' who turns his life around and wins the Mother back. Ain't gonna happen sunshine.

Now, I am all for a strong, male, role model in the lives of my children but this may not turn out to be their father.  Such is the case for many children. Some children have lost their Dad, for various reasons, with very little chance of ever getting him back. (Although, we never give up hope of this happening.) How do you think these children, who do not have a 'hero Dad,' feel when they are watching your Hollywood schmaltz?  I've seen their feelings when our eyes have met after watching 'the big reunion scene' that is inevitable at the end of your family feature films. I can tell you what I see; broken hearts because they  have a Dad that bears little if any resemblance to the ones they see on the big screen. How their aching souls must long for a Dad that would put their needs before his own and take the steps necessary to rebuild his life and repair the damage that he has caused.

So, I would like to suggest that you  feature Mothers as the heroes of your blockbusters with as much regularity as you focus on Fathers. More often than not, it is mothers who are left to pick up the pieces and rescue their families. They aren't rock stars or divas but ordinary women who will do what has to be done to keep their families not only afloat, but in a position where they are able to thrive. These Mothers aren't asking for a medal or a prize, because they do what they do for love,  but it sure would be nice to see kids sit down to watch a movie and be able to say, "Wow, I've got a Mom just like that!" Instead of,  "I sure wish I had a Dad like that." Think about it Hollywood.

Yours faithfully,

A Single Mother of four, who's just doing the best she can


  1. Love this post! Had never thought about it before but you are absolutely right.

  2. Very very very well said. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Thanks Judi. I appreciate you taking the time to leave a comment.

  3. So refreshing and honest. Makes one think. Well written

  4. Oh my Gosh! My thoughts exactly! and I have a 15 year old son, who has been asking me to get him a dad, since his own loser one decided he was forgetable at age 9. He would like to see some reality in Hoolywood also! A show I do remember & think more true was "Grace Under Fire" I think that was the name.

  5. Oh my Gosh! My thoughts exactly! and I have a 15 year old son, who has been asking me to get him a dad, since his own loser one decided he was forgetable at age 9. He would like to see some reality in Hoolywood also! A show I do remember & think more true was "Grace Under Fire" I think that was the name.

    1. Hi, thanks for your comment. I will have to check "Grace Under Fire" out. Thanks for stopping by. :)

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I hope that since you are so gifted (in writing this) that you will write the script for a movie. Then take it to Tom &Rita Hanks. I bet they will get it done. Thank you for posting. Although my children had a great Dad, I know that many are only in it for the good times or are only sperm donors. Sad but true.

    1. Thanks Sandra. Great idea to write a script! When I find the spare time...what ever that is, I will. :) Appreciate your comments.

  8. I have been thinking the same exact thing.. Thank you for writing this out.
