Living Life Thankful

Living Life Thankful

Friday, 3 February 2012

Do I eliminate my glass of vino?

Okay, there is going to be no more procrastination, time for action, the diet is a go!  There’s the measuring and weighing to be endured, vital stats chart to make, colour coded meal planner to devise, Health and Fitness inspirational magazine to purchase; as well as the stash of low fat, low cal, no added sugar, Slim Fast, Weight watcher ready meals, 0% fat yogurts, etc to stock up on.  You know the drill!  It’s a bit like studying for exams when at school.  If you were anything like me, you spent more time on your beautifully illustrated study time table, gathering your materials and organising your work station than you did on the actual revising!

However,  I am determined to do this diet on my own as I have promised myself that if I can’t do it alone, then I will have to succumb to the ruthless brutality of joining a Weight reduction programme and suffer the humiliation of a public weigh in.  Now, you don’t have to feel sorry for me; it’s not like I’m trying to lose 4 stone; (50lbs, 25kgs depending on which system you use) just a reasonable amount so that I can fit into some of my favourite clothes.  You know what I mean?  Those extra pounds that creep on after each pregnancy and seem to stick to the middle region, making jeans just a little too snug? Yes, those are the ones and they must to be shifted.  More than anything, I need to be fitter, healthier and set a good example to my offspring;  who  believe  ‘chocolate’ is one of the major food groups!    It seems inevitable that many of us will depart this life due to heart disease or cancer.  So if there is a chance that healthy eating and exercise can help delay the inevitable, then I for one intend  to grab that opportunity.  

I know I’m going to have to ‘up the ante’ so to speak on the exercise front in the coming weeks as a few walks back and forth to school, followed by a quick session on Wii Let’s Dance aren’t going to cut it.  Despite the plummeting temperatures, I need to de-mothball the running gear and get it on! Don’t you just love the way you feel 10x fitter just lacing up your pair of adidas?  So, as I come to the end of my first week of dieting, I have broken a few of my bad habits and despite being on the ‘long road to fitness’;   am optimistically hopeful that when I weigh in tomorrow morning,  the will power that I have exercised this last week will have paid off.   Question is, do I eliminate my Friday night glass of vino, (or 2) in case it hampers my results?  Gosh, darn it!  Should have done weigh in on a Monday morning instead!

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