Living Life Thankful

Living Life Thankful

Monday, 12 March 2012

Is it, isn't it?

Is it, isn’t it?  You’d think I’d know for sure immediately once I see those pesky little red spots, especially being a mother of four with up close and personal experience of most childhood ailments.  Why is it though that my child’s symptoms never exactly match the ‘medic-quick.coms’ diagnosis and vary drastically from my other children’s experiences if indeed I can exactly recall what their rashes even looked like?  My poor child had to show me his spots five times, just so I could compare them to the pictures on line.  After research, thorough examination and the ‘let’s wait overnight and see in the morning’ top trump mothering method, I have concluded that my 8 year old definitely has chicken pox.  Apparently it’s going around his class at school! Is it asking for too much that schools send out a quick memo with a chicken pox alert? They manage to do this when there is a case of head lice in my child’s class.    Meanwhile my little girl is exclaiming in a sing song voice,” I don’t want chicken pops, I don’t like chicken pops,” as though it’s some type of breakfast cereal.  There’s never a good time to get the dreaded pox but there are certainly worse times to get it.  Ask anyone who has contracted it as an adult and especially one who has had it with bells on!  Yes, quite literally wedding bells; my pops appeared just as the dying chords of the final song rang out as my wedding reception came to a conclusion.  Is there anyone else out there who had to have their Dad bring a bottle of calamine lotion to their hotel so it could be concierged up to their honeymoon suite? Let me tell you, it gave a completely new meaning to the seduction technique of lathering a partner in lotion!   Perhaps if Alanis Morisette had included the line, ’just like chicken pox on your wedding day,’ instead of ’ just like rain on your wedding day,’ in her Isn’t it Ironic hit song, I would have known then that the writing was on the wall from the very beginning.  So for all you parents out there wanting to do your children a favour, bring them on round so they can come into contact with the contagion and get it over and done with.  Better yet, get your little ones vaccinated so that even if they do happen to get the dreaded lurgy, it will be so mild as to not cause them a problem.  For the time being, I’m keeping fingers crossed that the vaccine keeps it at bay.  Otherwise aforementioned little girl, given the incubation period, will have chicken pops in her third birthday pictures in a week’s time!

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