Happy New Year all! I took a couple of weeks off from
blogging but am getting back to it now. Did I make any New Year resolutions? Nope! I
don’t particularly feel the need to as I already put a lot of pressure on
myself as it is. Are there areas of my life that I need to work on? For sure! Of
course I want to be a better woman, a better mother, a better friend, a fitter
and healthier person, get back to building myself a great career, become
financially viable again, perhaps find an ideal hunk and achieve my full potential in all areas of my life.
Sheesh! I’m exhausted just writing that
list. Therefore, in order to prevent the inevitable failure which would surely
follow having set myself the task of becoming ‘2013 Superwoman of the year', I have
decided that I will just continue to do the best I can with what I have, right
where I am.
If any further evidence is needed to convince you all that I
am a failing mother and in Ofsted terms ‘Needs improvement’ then I shall
confess to you that I broke the British Women’s cardinal rule! I drew around my
little girl’s feet and took said drawing into Clark’s shoe shop to get her some
new boots. (For those not from Britain, Clarks is a no-nonsense, get your child properly measured and fitted in sensible, good quality shoes where you will at no point in the future be blamed by a podiatrist for having permitted your child to endure inadequate footwear, type of establishment.) I cringe now writing this and I can
almost hear your gasps! My friend, who came with me to Clarks, practically
disowned me and did her best to distract the sales assistant so that I wouldn't be seen sizing various sized boots against my daughter’s beautifully traced feet.
Unfortunately, the experienced assistant spotted me mid-crime and swooped
as an eagle descending upon its prey. The tall and short of the whole shoe ordeal was that after having
bought and eventually returned three pairs of boots for being not quite right, I have vowed
to haul my child along with me the next time she needs new shoes; regardless of
her hearty public singing and penchant for making loud and embarrassing comments such as, "Look at that fat man over there Mummy!"
Despite my imperfections, which are many, I can honestly say that I am excited to be heading into a New Year. It will be a fresh start and a chance for me to get more things right than wrong. I look forward to working on my ‘Mothering’ skills and watching my children grow and develop as people in their own right, getting back into the classroom and teaching again (in the next couple of weeks!!!), developing my writing and Living Life page with the possibility of publishing an e-book, becoming fitter and healthier (after all, I’m a single gal now) and anticipating the blessings which God has in store for our family this year. The last couple of years have been about surviving. This year, I seek to thrive. This quote by Maya Angelou sums up how I see this new year. "My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humour and some style."
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