Living Life Thankful

Living Life Thankful

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

What's on yours?

I'm feeling a little fed up for a number of reasons this evening. So, what would I recommend to someone else feeling like I do? I'd suggest they make a gratitude list. Not easy for me to take my own advice but here goes. 

I'm thankful for the shelter and warmth of my lovely home and will overlook the muddles and mountains of ironing. 
I'm thankful that I am currently in employment so that I can provide for my household; not quite everything we want but almost all of what we need.  
I'm thankful that my teaching job is fulfilling and provides me with an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of many different children; even the ones who refuse to sit still and require me to make good use of the eyes in the back of my head. 
I'm thankful that my four year old was happy to skip home in the pouring rain because I'd decided we could walk instead of fighting for a parking space near school. 
I'm thankful for friends; near and far who support, encourage and keep me smiling when I'd rather cry. 
I'm thankful for the kind bus driver who let my thirteen year old ride the bus home even though he didn't have the correct money because his mother had given him a euro instead of a pound coin. 
I'm thankful for delicious, M&S, microwave meals which are ready in just a few minutes; greatly appreciated after spending an hour and a half traipsing to the shops, in the pouring rain, battling rush hour traffic, as well losing a child for a good ten minutes all whilst attempting, not successfully I might add,  to purchase a new pair of school shoes for my nine year old. 
I'm thankful for surviving a mini heart attack when my child blurted out just five minutes ago, 'Did you know it's parent's evening,' followed by a long drawn out pause where I started hyperventilating, but then thankfully finished his sentence with, 'tomorrow night?' 
I'm thankful that this day is drawing to a close and I can shut my weary eyes, rest and wake to a brand new day; another opportunity to just be me and do the best I can. 

Okay, feeling better now that I've seen how much I have to be grateful for. What would be on your gratitude list?  

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